Committee Training for Community Organisations
Committee Training for Community Organisations
The team of Steve Allen, Donna Bain and Ella Dixon is conducting grassroots community governance training workshops in a range of locations across the state of Tasmania in 2024. This program is an initiative of the Tasmanian Community Fund and is free to members of Tasmanian community, sporting and other related organisations.
The workshops are designed to give you the skills and knowledge needed to function effectively as a member of a community organisation management committee, board or other governing body. They are designed as day workshops (9.30 am to 3.30 pm) and are highly interactive and fun. They are led by experienced workshop facilitators who are qualified and experienced in the governance of not for profit community organisations.
Workshops in 2024
The 2024 schedule is shown below. Please note, 2024 is the final year of the TCF funded workshops.
In order to register for a workshop, click the relevant link on the schedule below. You will be taken to an Eventbrite page to complete the registration (make sure you fill in all of the information).
Please note that registrations for a particular workshop will close seven days prior to the workshop. At this time, registrants for a workshop will receive an email indicating location, time and other information in relation to the workshop that has been registered for.
There are also six role specific online workshops being held in 2024:
The role of the treasurer on community committees;​
The role of the chairperson on community committees; and
The role of the secretary on community committees.
Information about these online workshops and links to registration with Eventbrite is found further down the page.
There are also two online community of practice online discussion groups scheduled in 2024. Again, details for these are further down the page.
Click the link next to the workshop that you wish to register for. You will be taken to Eventbrite in order to complete your registration details.
Please Note: Registrants will be emailed details of the workshop (e.g. location) approximately 7 days prior to the workshop date.
Other workshops and forums that we are conducting in 2024 are shown further below
Online Workshops
The online workshop program is designed to cover the roles of the office bearers on community organisation committees.
The Role of the Treasurer
This online workshop will cover the role of treasurer on a committee of a community organisation. Topics covered will include: responsibilities; role in financial record keeping; role in budgeting; role in preparation of financial statements and more.
There are two offerings for this workshop in 2024:
27 June 2024 (5.30 to 7.30 pm) (Click for Eventbrite Registration)
9 October 2024 (5.30 to 7.30 pm) (Click for Eventbrite Registration)
People registered on Eventbrite will be emailed details including the online workshop link approximately 7 days before each workshop
The Role of the Chairperson
This online workshop will cover the role of chairperson on a committee of a community organisation. Topics covered will include: the roles and responsbilities of a committee chair; being the chair you want to and need to be; tips and traps; succession planning; and preparing to become a chair.
There are two offerings of this workshop in 2024:
7 March 2024 (5.30 to 7.30 pm) (Click for Eventbrite Registration)
7 August 2024 (5.30 to 7.30 pm) (Click for Eventbrite Registration)
People registered on Eventbrite will be emailed details including the online workshop link approximately 7 days before each workshop
The Role of the Secretary
This online workshop will cover the role of the secretary on a committee of a community organisation. topics covered will include: The responsibilities before the meeting; during the meeting and after the meeting; meeting procedures; and taking and preparing minutes.
There are two offerings of this workshop in 2024:
4 June 2024 (Click for Eventbrite Registration)
5 September 2024 (5.30 to 7.30 pm) (Click for Eventbrite Registration)
People registered on Eventbrite will be emailed details including the online workshop link approximately 7 days before each workshop
Community of Practice
We are conducting two online discussion group sessions in 2024:
Tuesday 7 May 2024 (5.30 pm to 6.30 pm) - Click here to go to Eventbrite to register
Wednesday 7 November 2024 (5.30 pm to 6.30 pm) - Click here to go to Eventbrite to register
These will be short sessions where participants can ask their questions about governance of small committees of clubs and community organisations. There may be short presentations on contemporary governance issues affecting small committees.
PLEASE NOTE: As with other online workshops and forums that we conduct, registered participants on Eventbrite will be emailed the online workshop link (and other information) approximately 7 days before the date of the actual event.
Stephen Allen
Steve Allen is an accounting and financial management practitioner and academic. He has management experience across several public sector organisations and has served on the boards of several not-for-profit organisations. He is a skilled presenter and has led seminars for a range of public and private sector organisations both internationally and within Australia. He has a keen interest in the governance of not-for-profit organisations in Tasmania and presents a unique approach to understanding the financial aspects of not-for-profit governance.
Donna Bain
Donna Bain has over 25 years of experience in not for profit association management including voluntary positions on boards in the adult and community education sector and the disability sports sector. Currently the General Manager of Self Help Workplace, Donna also holds a number of committee and board positions, including Vice Chairperson of NDS (National Board), State Chair of the NDS Tasmania State Committee, Vice President of TADES (Tasmanian Association of Disability Employment Services) and Chair of the Tamar Community Peace Trust. Donna’s areas of interest include association management, policy and advocacy, as well as not for profit governance education and systems. Donna is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors course and member of the AICD.
Ella Dixon
Ella Dixon has extensive experience in not for profit management. Prior to taking up the position as CEO of the Migrant Resource Centre (Northern Tasmania), Ella was the Regional Manager of the Community Development Division (Department of Premier and Cabinet) and worked in local government. In these roles, she has assisted numerous associations including small sporting clubs and community groups in strategic planning and governance issues. Ella has been a member of several committees and boards, and been on the receiving end of advice, making her aware of the responsibilities of decision makers and the level of information they seek. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors